New Chapter

 Confession, I love to blog. I've been blogging for most of my life. And in the beginning of my blogging "career"(if you can even call it that, lol), I kept it mainly a secret and had an on and off relationship with blogging. And then one summer, while doing an internship abroad, I really loved blogging, and ended up blogging A LOT, and got an awesome amount of readers and met a ton of amazing people. And then I let school get in the way, and then started a new blog for my fashion designing... and honestly, it just sucked all the fun out of blogging. Rather than being something I wanted to do, it became something that was a burden, something that I couldn't recognize as being me. So here I am starting another blog, because I want to blog for myself. Sharing my life experiences, and the things that are happening in my life and the random thoughts and things that come with life, in hopes of inspiring you!

I'm the kind of person who makes things happen, not because I have to, but because I want to. I want to make a difference in the world. I want to help people, and change lives so others can live positively, and live a lifestyle they want. For me, I choose to live tangy because living any other way is just boring, and because I love it! <3 What is the tangy life?.. get back to me on that, I'm figuring it out myself but hopefully it can be defined through this little bloggie. <3 So come along this journey with me as I explore, and figure out my way through life.

With Love,


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